
Monthly Archives: February 2013

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It feels like forever since The House Project, but the idea is finally being re-kindled! WRECK CITY: An Epilogue for 809 is essentially a leap from The House Project to The Neighbourhood Project!

WRECK CITY: An Epilogue for 809 is a community-based art experiment transforming 11 houses scheduled for demolition into temporary art, installation, and performance spaces. Eight Artist-Curators will invite 30+ Artists to participate. Artists will be free to radically alter the architecture of entire houses, re-shaping the homes using materials from the houses themselves, without need for repair at the end of the project.

Instigated as an epilogue for 809 Gallery, one of Calgary’s influential pop-up garage galleries (also scheduled for demolition), the project explores Calgary’s demolition addiction, re-imagining the potential of a doomed neighbourhood to become a playful and critically engaging WRECK CITY prior to redevelopment.

WRECK CITY will be open to the public from APRIL 19 – 27, 2013. More information about the location of events will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

Enticed? We’re currently accepting digital submissions! If you’re interested in participating in WRECK CITY, please see our Call for Submissions, Deadline March 9th, 2013.